
Erzbischof Charles Bo aus Burma, den ich seit vielen Jahren persönlich kenne, sendet mir folgende eindrucksvolle Stellungnahme zum Rücktritt unseres Papstes:

We the Catholics of Myanmar, were stunned by the sudden and shocking announcement of our Holy Father. In the turbulent waters of the tyranny of relativism, our Holy Father has been steering the ark of Faith with valour and a untiring zeal. He has been the morning star of Hope to the faithful swayed by the stormy sea of modernism.                 

For the last half century, starting from the Vatican II, he gave his life, his gifts and his rock solid faith to the service of the only Roman Catholic Church, protecting it from the vagaries of
time and vandalism of mutilating relativism.

The news breaks our heart. We are like a sheep without a shepherd. A good shepherd knows his sheep. We know our Holy Father. His guidance in the last years have enriched us, his erudite
knowledge, his refreshing reinterpretation of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, his vigor at new evangelization, his year of faith and his encyclicals on Love are etched in our soul and heart. We
will sorely miss him.

Our hearts are not only sad. We are Grateful. For the huge gifts we received through our Good Shepherd, his deep faith, his unwavering commitment to teachings of Our Lord, his moral certitude,
his compassion and his courage amidst challenges will make us to kneel down in grateful prayer.

We Myanmar Catholics will always remember Your great concern whenever we came on ad limina visits, your generosity after the Cyclone Nargis, your personal blessings are great graces. We support your decision with prayer as you retire to a life of Prayer, we are sure your prayers will continue to wash anew the church for ages to come.

Imploring Your Holiness blessing and prayers for the flock from remote country,

Charles Maung Bo., DD, SDB
Archbishop of Yangon,
Myanmar (Burma)